Side Quest: Grimsleep Bayou

Here's a swampy adventure idea!
Secret of Grimsleep Bayou
Rumors swirl in the remote village of Tindleweed of a powerful potion stash hidden deep within the cursed Grimsleep Bayou. With no means of healing magic, the potions could go a long way to help the town in such a treacherous environment.
Claudette, a village elder, offers the party either her good natured grandson Remy or shifty grandson Benoit as free guides through the bayou. She warns of the swamp's many hazards and twisted creatures, and having a guide would be a great benefit.
Claudette also lends the party her magical toy Canoedle, a canoe that can grow to full size and swiftly transport them through the waters, becoming the party's reward if the quest is completed.
The party must traverse:
- Tindleweed - starting village
- Grimsleep Bayou
- Witch's Hut - location of potions
- Ancient Ruins - possible favors for the Witch
The Ancient Ruins are said to be a long-forgotten empire's outpost that recently resurfaced from the dank waters, but is surrounded by deadly Assassin Vines that grab and drown any who approach.
Denizens & Dangers
While exploring the swamp by Canoedle, the party must contend with threats like:
- Territorial lizardfolk
- Wandering undead
- Treacherous quicksand
- Poisonous frogs
- Dire Alligators
- Witch's twisted hybrid creations
- Gargantuan Albino Snake in the ruins
- Assassin Vines around ruins
- Swamp Witch's guardian elemental
Bargaining With the Witch
At the swamp's heart lies the hut of the mysterious Swamp Witch. Violence may be avoidable if the party bargains cleverly with her for passage and potions.
The Swamp Witch may request the party clear out the ruins, as they contain rare ingredients she needs for unique potions. She warns them of a large serpent she calls LeBlanc who made the ruins its home.
In the ruins, the massive albino snake may swallow a party member whole before retreating inside. This could lead to a dramatic rescue attempt inside the belly of the beast!
Doing the witch's favor at the ruins could earn discounts and maybe even a partnership. She may agree to become a potion merchant open to Tindleweed, or even brew powerful potions from unique ingredients the party may gather during their travels.
Special Random Event: Broussard the Singing Catfish
- In a remote section of the bayou, the party encounters a massive, human-sized catfish lounging on a rotting log.
- The catfish introduces itself as Broussard in a warbly voice and challenges the party to a sing-off, with the stakes being a magic item he'll cough up if they win.
- The party must pick one member to compete against the catfish in a singing contest, with Nature or Performance checks determining the winner (or even higher bonuses if the player actually sings!)
- The catfish sings off-key folk tunes in a Cajun hillbilly accent
- If the party representative out-sings the catfish (at the DM's discretion), it will hack up a random minor magic item from its gullet before disappearing back into the murky waters.
- If the party attempts to fight Broussard, he'll release a high pitch tune that stuns the party, giving him time to escape back into the murky waters.
Upon completing their quest, Claudette allows the party to permanently keep Canoedle as promised. They also acquire a small hoard of treasure if they clear out the outpost ruins and slay LeBlanc, with the rare ingredients for the witch being in its lair.
But betrayal awaits if they foolishly trusted the deceitful Benoit as a guide. The party must survive the return trip through the treacherous bayou to enjoy their reward.
Key Characters
- Elderly village woman who initiates the quest. Kindly and tough, she cares about her grandsons and the community despite Benoit's opportunistic ways. If either is killed in any way, she'll be devastated.
- Claudette's good natured grandson and potential guide. Follows more in line with Claudette's attitude, caring for his community and brother both. May one day end up as mayor of Tindleweed.
- Claudette's deceitful grandson who may betray the party. He's selfish, and will take any chance he can get to acquire money and leave the bayou. He's not above attempting once or twice to pickpocket the party's belongings while they're distracted. If he experiences a near-death situation, he may change for the better.
Marguerite the Swamp Witch
- Mysterious witch who bargains for potions and favors. An extremely adept wielder of novel magic related to the bayou and eccentric to the point of talking to things and people that aren't actually there. With enough patience and know-how, she could become a promising ally...or a potent enemy.
Denizens & Monsters
Swamp Elemental - Boudreaux
- The Swamp Witch's loyal guardian servant.
- Takes the form of a hulking creature made of mud and vines.
- It uses swampy pseudopods to grab and drown intruders.
- The party may have to face Boudreaux if negotiations fail.
Swamp Hazards
- Quicksand, poison plants, treacherous flooding.
- Territorial humanoid reptiles that attack trespassers if they view them as arrogant or rude. Some may be persuaded to reveal shortcuts through the swampland or reveal details about the swamp itself. Some have a semi-prosperous trade relationship with Tindleweed.
- Ghosts, zombies, and ghouls wandering the swamp. Presumably past denizens who in one way or another got lost and perished through horrific means.
Hybrid Creations
- The witch's twisted animal experiments. Eccentricity comes with experimentation. Alligators with giant spider legs, vipers with large killer bee stingers and wings, and a giant singing catfish are just a few of the witch's creations that wander the area. Not all of them are immediately hostile (feel free to create your own bizarre hybrids!).
Assassin Vines
- Animated vines that grab and constrict victims.
LeBlanc- Gargantuan Snake
- Massive albino serpent lurking in the ancient ruins. With a missing eye and scars peppering its head, this enormous snake is clearly ancient and sports a keen predatory intelligence.
Broussard the Singing Catfish
- Enormous human-sized catfish found randomly within the bayou.
- Speaks in a burbling, garbled voice and challenges passersby to sing-offs.
- Sings Cajun folk songs poorly in an off-key, Cajun hillbilly accent.
- If defeated in a singing contest, will hack up a random minor magic item.
- May return to challenge the party again if he really enjoyed it the first time.
- Remote rural swamp village
- Small settlement of wooden buildings clustered around a central dirt road
- Surrounded by farmland on slightly elevated ground to avoid flooding
- Homes and barns built on stilts to protect from swamp hazards
- Trader's shop - sells poor quality equipment, supplies, basic weapons/armor
- Rambling Mound Tavern - serves local fare, including Trollgut Whiskey, gathering spot for rumors
- Hunter's guild - guides for hire to traverse the swamp. The further you need to go and the more dangerous, the higher the rate of their service
- Herbalist - provides scarce remedies, low-quality potions, poultices
- Central dirt road with buildings on either side
- Wooden walkways connect buildings
- Surrounding farmland with irrigation ditches
- Outskirts trail off into the swamp